TAB and standard staves are broken in Continuous View
GIT commit 96d9765 / Windows7
First reported:
1) Guitare Tablature template
2) Enter some notes in the first measure
3) Switch to "Continuous View"
Result: the Tab is broken (blank space between the two first measures)
4) Save and reload the file, eg: broken tabs.mscz
Result: worse: no lines
5) Switch to "Page View": works
6) Switch again to "Continuous View": broken, and so on.
EDIT: and result with the Guitar + Tablature (so, linked) template. Badly :(
Variation with single standard staves (with d68ac1e)
1) Treble clef template
2) Switch to "Continuous View"
Result: broken staves
Check again with b448ab9
It's better in most ways, but still not right. Here's the result of entering quarter notes into measures 1 & 2 of My First Score while in Continuous View:
Fixed by 523f66e
Automatically closed -- issue fixed for 2 weeks with no activity.