Chord symbols: bass note before chord?

• Apr 24, 2016 - 00:27

I find myself having to deal with accordion players who like their chords written with non-standard bass notes in front (don't ask). IOW, “E/C” means a C major chord over an E bass, rather than an E major chord over a C bass. This works in principle, except that MuseScore lowers the part of the chord symbol after the slash if it can be construed as referring to a single note. E.g., in “E/C” the “C” is a bit lower than the text baseline, but in “E/C7” everything is on the baseline.

I would prefer it if both “E/C” and “E/C7” looked the same as far as baseline alignment is concerned. How do I set that up? I know about chords_std.xml and friends, but the simple modification I tried – tweaking the “renderBase” definition to finish with “m:0:0” rather than “m:0:-2” – didn't appear to “take”.


That's the right approach, probably you modified the wrong copy of the file. Best to create your own custom copy, and use Style / General / Chord Symbols to tell MuseScore to use that one for a particular score.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

I put my custom chords file into $HOME/MuseScore2/Stile (this is the German version of MuseScore on Debian GNU/Linux, as provided by the distribution) and announced it to MuseScore in “Style/General/Chord Symbols” but it doesn't seem to get loaded at all. I straced MuseScore loading my score file and the only chords file it ever looks at is /usr/share/mscore-2.0/styles/chords_std.xml.

Is there anything special I need to do to get MuseScore to pick up customised chords files, beyond entering the chords file in the style dialog? And will the new definition apply to already-existing chord symbols in the score, or do I need to enter the chord symbols again?

In reply to by AnselmLingnau

I know some people here don't like this "misuse" but I enter accordeon chords as lyrics because you can type anything you want.
The inconvenient is that adding lyrics to rest is not possible and therefore you need an invisible second voice if you really need that

In reply to by AnselmLingnau

In order to know for sure, we'd need you to attach the specific score you are having problems with. It's possible the previous version of the chords file got hard coded into the score at some point in the past and that's interfering with the ability to load a new one. Be sire to give the full pathname if necessary, also try changing the name in case the old one is hardcoded and that causes MuseScore to reload it.

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