MS4 - can I increase horiz. space between 2 8th notes?

• Jan 13, 2025 - 15:39

I'm writing a lead sheet (slash notation) with some timing info in the slashes. In the attached I have two chords on 8th notes at the beginning of a measure, To keep the chord symbols from crowding together, I'd like to add horizontal space between those 8ths.

When I select those two notes and try to increase the stretch, nothing happens. When I select the whole measure and try to increase stretch, the space between whole notes stretches, but not the spec between the 8ths (which is what I need).

Any solution that yuo guys know of?

Attachment Size
Stretch.jpg 44.35 KB


Click on the note you want to move and in the Appearance section of the properties panel increase the leading space.

However, my preferred solution would be to drag the C/E chord symbol left a bit and if necessary, drag the G/D symbol right a bit keeping the notes in their correct position.

Select the second eight note. Go to Properties>Appearance and adjust the Offset. While you are there check out what the other settings do. You still might want to do something with the measure size so the rest of the notes aren't jammed together.

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