Saving selected notes with a plugin

• Apr 25, 2016 - 17:38


I'm writing a plugin in order to save as xml only a selected portion of a sheet. I'm using this function

writeScore(curScore, myFile.source + "/" + , "xml");

of course the output file contains the full sheet. is there a way to save just the notes i have selected?



Not sure if it's exposed to plugins, but are you aware there is already File / Save Selection? Has issues if the selection does not start with a full header (clef, key, time signature).

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

thanks to your answer, i would like to write a plugin that save a score selection as xml then upload it to my server. i can do this for the whole sheet not for a selection.
Yes i've seen the Save Selection Feature but you cannot choose the file format, just mscz is allowed.
Of course i can open the file and use save as ti transform it in xml, but i prefer do this with QML.

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