Any way to get score view mode?
I can't see anything in the API, so suspect this is not possible, but is there any way for a plugin to check whether the user is currently in 'Continuous view' or 'Page view'?
I can't see anything in the API, so suspect this is not possible, but is there any way for a plugin to check whether the user is currently in 'Continuous view' or 'Page view'?
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You can think of a creative solution. The first thing to check is the number of pages: if curScore.npages == 1, we could (perhaps) be in 'Continuous view', but we could also have a short score or be in 'Single Page' mode. At this point the value of curScore.lastSegment.pagePos.x could be verified: the value of pagePos.x of the last measure of a system in 'Page view' is usually just over 100; in 'Continuos view' it is much larger.
Of course, if the score is 'Brother John' written on a single system, all this does not work...