More keyboard shortcuts

• Apr 27, 2016 - 07:46

I'm normally a Sibelius user, but have been trying out Musescore in the past and liking it quite a bit. However I do remember missing the option to add articulation and dynamics with a keyboard shortcut. Right now you need to do a lot of mouseclicks to add articulation and dynamics, which is fine, but becomes cumbersome when working a long time on a score. I would like to see a way to add these with a keyboard shortcut like it's possible within Sibelius.


Thanks for the comments! A few of the most common articulations (staccato, tenuto, marcato, and accent, plus slurs) do have associated shortcuts ([Shift]+[S], +[N], +[O], and +[V] respectively, and [S] alone for slurs), but it is indeed a development goal to enable all elements to be added via the keyboard, including dynamics and everything else found in the palettes.

Indeed, adding more elements by shortcut is high on my personal list of improvements I want to help make. But just in case you weren't aware, you can add markings to many notes at once by first selecting the ntoes then double-clicking the palette icon. If you're using drag & drop, switching to double-click is a pretty big time saver already. If you're already double-clicking, then indeed, keyboard is the next step forward.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Good to hear this being high on the list of improvements. I already figured out the double-click, and that works well for elements you don't use a lot, but I would be very interested to see the next step forward. I will be paying close attention to what the future might bring for Musescore!

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