Playback not working on browser version of MuseScore

• Apr 29, 2016 - 16:57

I'm working on the browser MuseScore program, and I haven't been able to get the playback to work. And after looking at other questions similar to this and seeing that I need to reset the program to factory settings, I've figured out that either there isn't the option to, or I can't find the option to reset the program.

Any advice on this would be much appreciated.


Revert to factory settings is for MuseScore itself, not for the web site. If you are having problems with playback on, that's more likely a browsewr issue - like, you are using an older incompatible browser - or maybe the specific score you are trying to play has an issue that prevents playback. Is it just one score or all scores where playback isn't working? Can you post a specific link? For instance, I just tried this one and it worked fine for me:

If it doens't for you, what goes wrong, specifically? Do you see the play icon> When you press it, does it look like its been depressed? Do you see the cursor follow the score but not hear sound?

What browser, what OS?

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

I mean the rollapp version of the MuseScore program, sorry. I thought I had clarified a bit better. Here's a link for reference:

I'm working on this program because I only have a school-owned Chromebook that I can work on, and I can't download the official MuseScore program onto it. This was recommended to me, and everything else on it works (As far as I can tell), except for the playback.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Ah, I've already tried installing Linux, and it didn't work. Thank you for the help though! I think I'll be alright with the lack of sound. I can just play it out on my own instrument if I really need to, but it shouldn't be much of a problem.

Thanks again.

In reply to by MKat

To clarify:

There is a portable version of MuseScore for Windows you can run from a flash drive, but that won't help you on the Chromebook.

There is also a portable version of *Linux* that allows any computer (within reason) that can boot from an external device to run Linux, but I'm not sure that will work on a Chromebook either.

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