Musescore 2.0.3 Lag Problem on Windows 10

• May 1, 2016 - 14:03

Musescore 2.0.3 Lag Problem on Windows 10

I have been using the free Musescore software for several years now, and I have had this problem before, and been able to correct the problem by repairing or reinstalling the software. However, with this latest version of Musescore 2.0.3, the issue is not being corrected.

Here is the issue; Musescore does not hang or stop, but it "studders", or everything lags. Score playback lags, the ability to add notes and/or notation lags...which makes changing or creating new scores very tedious and time-consuming. In the past I have been able to repair the installation and/or reinstall and it has corrected the problem. This is no longer the case, as this issue continues to resurface no matter which score I am working on, therefore I have not attached any score(s). After reinstall and/or repair, Musescore 2.0.3 will work fine for a period of time, then it will start lagging again. This issue only started to occur again when I recently "upgraded" to Musescore 2.0.3.

I am thinking this must be a Musescore 2.0.3 software compatibility issues as I am not having this issue with any other software programs or applications on my laptop.

Any help that you can provide would be greatly appreciated. If this issue cannot be fixed, how do I go back to an earlier version of this software?


In reply to by Shoichi

Shoichi, thank you for your response. I'll try that. I tried searching the forums, but didn't know my problem was the Navigator. I love using that navigator because I have scores upwards of 30 pages long. I wouldn't know how to use this program software without the Navigator. I haven't had the issue pop up now for about 2 1/2 hours, so something may have corrected itself. ?*^%&(^&&3w9

Seems as though the current solution is: close the program and reopen immediately opening the Navigator and/or just close the Navigator (That is, until this issue is corrected, hopefully in Musescore 3.0).

Again, Thanks.

In reply to by ALawyer

I have long scores and never use the Navigator. Between the mouse scroll (the #1 most useful way to navigate scores), the page up/down keys, the home & end keys, and the Ctrl+F facility to jump to specific rehearsal marks or measure numbers, I can't see any reaosn to give up screen space to the Navigator.

In reply to by ALawyer

You don't need a physical mouse. Assuming you have a touchpad, almost all have some sort of gesture like two finger swipe or drag along the edge of the touchpad. Often there are settings in your OS or it the driver for the touchpad to allow you to select between multiple options for what gesture will simulate the mouse wheel.

Once you find the gesture, use it to scroll vertically, or with Shift to scroll horizontally.

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