option to alphabetically sort the list of text styles. Also remove the word "Text" from all text styles.

• May 3, 2016 - 04:41

Notice how the list of text styles isn't order alphabetically:

Screenshot (39).png

When I manually search this list for another style, it takes me a few seconds since I have to start at the top. It would be nice to have a small "ABC" button at the top which would auto sort these style names.

Also, I notice most of these text styles do not have "Text" in them. Except for "Repeat Text (Left/Right)" and "Text Line". I don't think the word "Text" should appear anywhere in that list, since they are all text styles.


Fot alphabetical order keep in mind that these strings are translated into 50+ languages, which would result in different orders.
A searchbox might help though, like in the instruments dialog, but then again there are far fewer text styles than intruments,

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