4 bars of 16th notes, 4 bars per system? Tried everything.

• May 3, 2016 - 16:32

Hello, I am writing a score for some drum students. There is a part of 4 bars on one page, and there will be more - where there's only 16 note rolls on toms.

I want to make Musescore (2.02) just keep the 4 bar per system structure. No matter the density of notes. (a bunch of 16ths... I mean come ooon)

Ive tried distances/spacing, increase/decrease, explode, edit, tools --> 4 bars etcetera. What do I have to do for a kinda standard way of page formatting?

IM GOING CRAZY. Ive been calling Musescore everything possible and im cooking of fury. There have been so many times at which page formatting problems encounter with Musescore. Please help me. Im going nuts.


Hard to guess why it's not working (I can give you a specific answer if you could attach the MSCZ that's giving you problems), but Edit > Tools > Add/Remove Line Breaks should be the one and only thing you need here.

4 measures full of 16th notes won't fit a single system on A4 or letter paper using the default spacing of 1.764, it will fit with 1.564 spacing and using the { key a couple times

In reply to by Booee

Ah, I see. Like Jojo said, there's simply no way to fit that many notes onto one line—unless you make them smaller. For that, go up to the Layout menu, choose Page Settings…, then make the scaling/staff space smaller. After that, breaking lines every four measures will work.

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