I am unable to transpose the piece I created to a desired key.

• May 5, 2016 - 02:45

So, in 2.0.1 and 2.0.2, I was easily able to just click Notes then Transpose, and I would select the key, and then BAM, it would be transposed. Now that 2.0.3 came out, I for some reason, have been unable to do that (transpose the key). I tested it in 3.0.0 beta to see if it was corrected, but it wasn't. I figured it would be easier to correct it in 3.0.0.

The last (2.0.1-2.0.2) system was more convenient because it also allowed you to transpose different sections. This new one is not convenient.

To recreate the problem, click on the file I've attached, click notes, and then transpose. Then see how it doesn't allow you to transpose the key. It only allowed the interval transposition which is still inconvenient.

Attachment Size
See_between_Staves.mscz 12.11 KB


Select your measures/notes, then menu item: Notes - > Transpose.
If you do not select measures/notes, entire score will be selected/transposed.
MuseScore 2.0.3:



I'm guessing you have a single note selected when you bring up the Transpose dialog. If so, then the option to transpose by key will be disabled, because there isn't enough context in your selection to determined the key. Most likely you intended to transpose the entire score, not just a single note, so be sure you actually select the entire score. Or have *nothing* selected, and the entire score will be selected automatically for you.

You can still transpose different sections, you just need to select the section you wish to transpose.

This is not changed in any way since 2.0.2 or 2.0.1 that I know of.

If you continue to have problems, oplease post the precise step by step instructions to reproduce the problem.

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