Qt SDK PATH Requirements (Windows)

• Jun 8, 2011 - 03:43


in the Windows build instructions (http://musescore.org/en/developers-handbook/compile-instructions-window…), is this supposed to be an *existing* folder/path? I have no "qt" folder under the Qt SDK install folder...

> The following has to be added to the %PATH%
> C:\Qt\2010.05\qt\bin

And, there are numerous "bin" folders all over the Qt SDK folder structure. Thus, asking.



You are running into the same issues I did.

The QT path (assuming 4.7.3) is x:\qtsdk\desktop\qt\4.7.3\mingw\bin
The MinGW path is x:\qtsdk\mingw\bin
CMAKE is obvious.

My build script (from the earlier thread) eliminates the need to add any of these (and the compilation source path) to the path, but you do still need to know them.

In reply to by bgillis

Yes. In Makefile.mingw, changing the path "MINGW_DIR = E:\Qtsdk\mingw".
In mingw32.mingw.cmake, changing both paths "set (CROSS E:/Qtsdk/mingw)" and "set (CROSSQT E:/Qtsdk/desktop/qt/4.7.3/mingw)"

Just remember the slashes are backwards (!) in this file, and there's no BIN portion appended to the path.

In reply to by schepers

Well, I have to call it a night. Hopefully, almost there.

Got all files, etc. in place and ran:

mingw32-make -f Makefile.mingw install

Only to get the following:

C:\MuseScore\src>mingw32-make -f Makefile.mingw win32
mingw32-make: Makefile.mingw: No such file or directory
mingw32-make: *** No rule to make target `Makefile.mingw'. Stop.

> but you do still need to know them.
Yes, thus I'm attempting the build per instructions before I attempt an optimized version of it. (Including baselining all the dependencies in my own svn repository and linking it to Musescore for a two-check-out process for everything ;-)

In reply to by bgillis

You must do the "win32" component first, so "mingw32-make -f Makefile.mingw win32". The "install" and "package" options all assume the Win32 MSCORE.EXE has been built first.

Just remember that when you compile, you must be in the same path as the Makefile.mingw, which is your case is in the first level of the checkout folder.

In reply to by schepers

I did attempt Win32 (see the C prompt line below).
The one above it with "install" is a cut-n-paste error on my part. My bad. Code all day, come home to code all night = tired mind.

In reply to by bgillis

I was going to say this earlier, but you did run the make from the directory with the makefile.mingw file?

So, you've got the paths set properly in your SYSTEM PATH variable, the makefile.mingw file changed for MINGW_DIR (using the proper DOS path), the mscore/cmake/mingw32.mingw.cmake file changed for CROSS and CROSSQT (using "/" in the path instead of "\")?

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