Merge beams on different staves with different values
Please help me understand how to create this note configuration... I have to transcribe this piece for an university exam and since my professor really hates me he gave me a piece full of what seem to be notation errors or "unconventional" notation. As you can see the notes are separated on two staves but the values behave the same way as they were separated. I cannot recreate in a clean way this and as you can see from my recreation (second picture) it creates a lot of errors in visualization and space management. Please help me.
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transcr.png | 37.1 KB |
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Check that handbook on cross-staff-notation
In reply to Check that handbook on cross… by Jojo-Schmitz
yes, it was actually the first thing I did, but unfortunately it doesn't work in my situation. Or at least it doesn't work what I found. As you can see from my musescore example I am able to place two notes on two staves but that can only happen if the value of the notes is shared. In my example I have to put a rest below the first note, and this rest is 1/32, while the value of the note above it is 1/8.
In reply to yes, it was actually the… by Token Pointer
Seems to me that there is (a) Type setting, and (b) notation. And sometimes the two agree. Musicians can read the example you have been given. It is fairly clear. But notation looks at that example and has a cow.
As you have found out, MuseScore can make something that looks like the example. But it takes a lot of time to reproduce.
My example doesn't use your notes, but tries to reproduce the note and rest values. The first measure is what it looks like. The second is some of the things I had to go through. Two voices. Turning off auto place. Adjusting off set and leading space. Dragging rests around.
In reply to Seems to me that there is (a… by bobjp
So it seems that there is no actual practical solution... thank you both anyway for your help.
So since I won't be able to solve this problem in this way, I believe I have to do it like the example we've written, the only problem is that after that I have serious problems with space organization since there are way too many measures on that line... is there a tool or a way to set a single bar lenght?
In reply to So it seems that there is no… by Token Pointer
There most definitely is an actual practical solution: two voices and cross-staff notation.
For the issue of too many measures on a system, take a look at the Layout palette and the System break tool on it.
[A few moments later] I notice that the original notation is explicitly incorrect. The chord in the treble begins at the beginning of the measure and lasts for the full first eighth note. The chord in the bass clef begins on the second 32nd note of the measure; the tie extends it to the end of that first eighth note. IOW, the chord in the treble overlaps the entire tied chord in the bass. Thus, they should not be barred together AT ALL.
In reply to There most definitely is an… by TheHutch
That is what I said in my first post.
Typesetters can do what ever they want. A player can look at the "incorrect" notation above and know exactly what to play and when. The "incorrect notation seems to be easier to read that a bunch of rests and notes if written "properly".