Problems with notes that have moved and with width of the bars

• May 10, 2016 - 12:24

I have installed MuseScore (version 2.0.3) to my new computer, and found some problems with the first page of the sheet music to a song I've created.
The last system on the first page ends with - - - - instead of notes. The notes in question have jumped to the top of page 2 for some reason. How do I get them back at the bottom of page 1?
Also, the other pages have four systems whereas the first page now only has three systems. There should be four systems on each page.

The second problem is that the width of the bars on the first page is now longer than the following pages.
Is there some way that I can change settings for only the first page so that all pages have the same width?

Can I send the sheet music for you to look at?

Thanks very much for your help!



The 1st page also has the title frame, this eats space that is freely available on subsequent pages.
In order to get 4 systems on all pages, there needs to be enough space in the 1st page already, by e.g. making the title frame smaller or decreasing the staff or system distance or decreasing the overall scaling or increasing the page size.
Hard to tell what you reylla need withot seeing the score (the real one, mscz, not a Picture of it)

In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

I had 4 systems on page 1 before I downloaded Musescore for my new computer, and I figured everthing would look the same when I opened it today. But it didn't...

So there's a problem with the bar width size on page 1 when you compare it to the other pages.
The very first system on page 1 is perfect. But systems 2 and 3 are not right.
System 2 should end with: "was one another".
System 3 should end with: "dreams of gold were"
And finally system 4 (also on page 1) should end with: "Down that"

And then there's the problem with - - - - at the bottom of page 1.

I've attached the sheet music. Really hope you can help me in some way!!


Attachment Size
Gold_Can_Turn_To_Sand_1 - Copy.mscz 18.77 KB

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