Puts note into wrong stave?

• May 14, 2016 - 18:43

Okay, so I have "hide empty staves" selected because I have a violin part which only plays for the first eight bars or so. However, later in the song, if I try to put notes into any other stave (violoncello or piano) it automatically puts it into the violin part!

I know the easy solution would be to uncheck "hide empty staves", but it's checked because if I don't, when trying to figure out note timings (i.e - delete and re-enter notes) it keeps switching between a new page and an old one, which is really frustrating.

Help?! (Thanks)


It's hard to say for sure what might be going on unless you post tyhe actual score you are having trouble with and give precise steps to reproduce the problem. In particular, we would need to know *how* you are trying to enter notes into the cello staff.

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