Inserting measures

• Jun 17, 2011 - 18:42

Assume a 4/4 score, create one custom bar by adjusting the "actual measure duration" (under Measure Properties) down to 1/4 (simulating a pickup measure). If you now select the measure immediately following the custom measure and press Insert or Ctrl-Insert to insert bars, it will insert nothing but your custom measures. Insert seems to look back one bar to see what it needs to insert, finds the custom bar, and happily inserts those.

In fact, create a new score with a pickup measure of 1/4, and insert a new measure immediately following the pickup measure and you will get another 1/4 measure.


In the example above, bar 1 was the pickup measure, bar 2-5 were inserted. Bar 8 was another custom 1/4 and bar 9 was another insert. I don't think this behaviour is what you want...


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