MS4 Crashes when editing a score that has hidden instruments

• Mar 13, 2025 - 23:21

System Information

  • Manjaro Linux
  • MuseScore 4.4.4-2 (installed via pacman)
  • Lenovo Thinkpad X1
  • No MIDI keyboard etc. Just the laptop, everything unplugged.

Steps to reproduce

  1. Open the provided score. Go to the Instruments panel and ensure that all instruments are visible. Save the score.
  2. For demonstration purposes, watch the correct behaviour first. Select the entire first bar in the bass part and delete it. Use any method to delete -- select from the right-click context menu, ctrl-X, backspace, delete, etc. -- it seems to happen with all of them. This should happen successfully and not crash the program. Press "Undo" to put the notes back.
  3. Open the Instruments panel and hide all instruments except for drums, bass, piano, and guitar by clicking on the eye icons. Save the score.
  4. Try again to delete the first bar. This should cause the program to crash.

This seems to only happen when certain subsets of instruments are hidden.

I experimented with it for a while but wasn't able to find any distinct pattern. The instructions above consistently caused a crash for me, but if it doesn't crash on your machine maybe try with some other combinations of instruments hidden.

Files Provided

  1. The .mscz score causing the crashes for me
  2. The diagnostic files exported from Musescore
Attachment Size 247.93 KB
Final Stages.mscz 72.81 KB


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