r4387 - concert pitch doesn't change transposing instrument's key signature

• Jun 20, 2011 - 03:37

In nightly build 4387, a clarinet in Bb's key signature remains the same when choosing Concert Pitch. Instead of transposing the armature, the notes are transposed with accidentals.

I understand that contemporary non-tonal music uses no key signatures (and so, no armature transposition). But it doesn't make sense to keep two sharps in a clarinet armature when working in concert pitch and on a C major piece.

Sorry if this has been reported - i found nothing about this.


In reply to by elerouxx

Considering the present instability and state of flux that the trunk is in right now, I would certainly hold off on reporting anything. I know certain people in the forums don't see things this way and trunk bugs continue to be posted. I suspect that most (or all) of these posts are simply going to be ignored due to the fact that the code is changing much too fast to try to fix anything specific. Some things that don't work today may work tomorrow, and vice-versa.

Right now, my only involvement in the trunk is to see if it compiles under Windows, and right now that doesn't always work due to the amount of code changes. I have patience and can wait the weeks (or months) until the developers get the trunk back to some semblance of sanity again before posting issues.

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