Write down a melody by choosing the rythmics in advance

• May 19, 2016 - 12:05

Hello everyone,

I am writing down a piece of vocal music called "Come, come along for a dance and a song" by Jeremiah Clarke. The 8 first bars of the first chorus is homorythmic. I wrote down the soprano line. So the other voices will have the same rythm but not with the same notes obviously. My idea is to write down the notes of the other parts by avoiding having to choose the rythm for every note. So is it possible to ask the program to "copy" the rhythmics of the soprano line and then write down the other voices by typing the notes and the computer automatically putting the right rhythms ? That would save a LOT of time. Thank you for any helpful answers!

Cheers, and have fun Musing !

William from France.


Welcome to MuseScore, William! Indeed it is possible. Copy and paste the entire part from one staff to another (if you have two voices on a staff, copy, use Edit > Voices > Exchange Voices 1-2, and paste back to the same staff); enter note input mode; and then click the button on the toolbar just to the right of the [N] button to replace pitches without changing rhythms.

I have a feeling this will help except I have one question. I make EDM using a gameboy and the program I use is a tracker called LSDJ. It isnt a horizontal piano roll, so how would I go about implementing your idea of a contour?

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