Rests appearing too close to notes
Hi, I've been playing with the spacing settings for notes and rests in bars, to make everything really easy to read for beginners. I can't find a way to make rests align centrally or evenly spaced in the space they inhabit, and in some cases are almost attached to the next note. When I drag them away it brings the note with it and makes the bars smaller.
To make the bars all the same width I have been using this:
Format > Style > Bars. Change the "Minimum Bar Width" to 20 - 36. "Spacing" 1
File attached.
Attachment | Size |
SOS - Eb Alto Sax in D.mscz | 37.58 KB |
In measures 3, 7, and 8, delete the (input) whole rest and dotted half rests. They will be replaced by whole measure rests, which are centered.
In measures 11, 14, 18, 21, the rests (strictly speaking!) should be quarter rest + half rest, rather than half rest + quarter rest or dotted half rest.
Normally, the bars shouldn't be the same width. Do you want a bar with a single whole note to be the same width as a bar with 16 sixteenth notes? Of course not. Mostly let MuseScore space notes/rests and measures with its internal rules and you'll usually have the best appearing score.
In reply to In measures 3, 7, and 8,… by TheHutch
Thank you
Open your sax part. Hit CTRL+A. then CTRL+R. That might help things look better.
In reply to Open your sax part. Hit CTRL… by bobjp
Hi bobjp,
CTRL+A. then CTRL+R. - Thanks that seems to be reset user settings. It moved things a bit.
I don't know what "Open your sax part" means!
In reply to Hi bobjp, CTRL+A. then CTRL… by hello385
That's the file you posted.
Dragging things seldom works the way you think it should. Select the item in question and go to properties>Appearance and experiment with the various settings.