Don't set "Break multi measure rest" when importing from musicxml

• Jun 23, 2011 - 01:39
S5 - Suggestion

After importing a score from musicxml, every bar has "Break multi measure rest" checked. There seems to be no way to turn this off for a group of bars, so you have to go to the measure properties for each bar separately to get multi measure rests.


I support this request. After some investigation I think the origin is in importxml.cpp, line 1473. This handles the MusicXML / element which results in a breakMultiMeasureRest in every measure expect the n measures as defined by . However this is a stringent interpretation. Setting breakMultiMeasureRest for the measure which defines the multirest and last measure of the multirest should do the same thing but is more friendly for MusicXML files which doesn't explicitly define multirest measures.

Best regards,

Setting breakMultiMeasureRest for the measure which defines the multirest is correct. Setting breakMultiMeasureRest for the last measure of the multirest doesn't work (hint: it breaks the multirest).

What you probably want is to have the MusicXML importer set breakMultiMeasureRest on the first measure of a multi-measure rest. If a normal full measure rest follows immediately, it should also have breakMultiMeasureRest set.

This can easily be changed, will do shortly.

Changed implementation to set breakMultiMeasureRest on the first measure of a multi-measure rest and on the first measure after a multi-measure rest only. For all other measures breakMultiMeasureRest stays off.

I don't know if I should file another issue (as a bug?), but I'm not sure if this is fixed.

Could someone confirm and possibly re-open?

Using MuseScore 2.0 Nightly Build (5327) - Mac 10.6.8.

Status (old) closed active

I see multi-bar rests when I import a MusicXML.

Am I correct?

Using MuseScore 2.0 Nightly Build (5375) - Mac 10.6.8.

Status (old) active fixed

Yes you are correct, but this will be changed shortly, see #14882: [MusicXML import] [trunk] import error: 46a-Barlines.xml: unexpected multi-measure rests.

Please note that MuseScore behaves exactly as specified in my previous comments, so I still consider the bug fixed. Please also note that this is not about displaying multi-measure rests, but about the way the MusicXML importer sets the measure property "break multi measure rest".