problem: MS 1.3 file opened in MS 2.0.3

• Jun 13, 2016 - 16:18

When the below 1.3 file was opened in MS2+, it bizarrely stretched a couple of measures across an entire page. In a forum about this, I was advised to remove the page settings marks.(in MS 2+) I did this, and it fixed the problem. However, now a new problem has come up. (Please see pg 12, file attachment below.) There are other pages where this happened, also.
In the brass section only, there are instrument names missing or "stray", in the wrong places. Some of them cannot be moved or deleted. I suspect they are part of the original instrumentation set up in the 1.3 version. I decided the best thing to do would be to remove the page settings in the 1.3, then open it in MS2.0.3, letting MS take care of page layout. However, I don't know how to do this. How can I let MS+ know I want a NEW file of the Act I Opening Scene of this Opera from MS 1,3? When I click on "open recent" it just keeps showing the version with the mistakes of course. I want it to "search out the 1.3 with the page markers removed.
I hate to say this, but I am almost dreading the MS 3.0 when it comes out. I may have to update all my files again, and more bugs, etc. Though each version of MS is better than before, it does seem to create problems for scores already made in an earlier version.
P.S. I should have said "Line Breaks" not "page markers".


In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

Yes, I keep 1.3 files separate and on a thumbnail. See attachment please below. below
NOTE{ I I can open myk 1.3 files on the PC, but the memory stick files of that when plugged in will not open, have ERROR CODES! (See thread below with Marc Sabatella)

In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

The text elements that appear to be staff names are actually fingering elements, attached to various random notes and then dragged out of position. Perhaps at one time the dragging moved them to where the short names belong at the beginning of the system, but now that the layout has changed, that manual adjustment is incorrect.

Probably they never should have been created as fingerings, but should have been ordinary nstrument names that MuseScore generates automatically if you set the short name in "Staff Properties". So I'd simply delete all those and then set the short names properly. This would have been the right way to do it in 1.3 as well.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Many of them will not select and will not delete. Also, another nightmare, I plugged in my memory stick (Drive K on my computer) and the File 1, Intro, etc. would not display, had ERROR CODES. (Files open if I click on "ignore" The stick worked fine before when I originally saved all the files to it. IS THIS THE NEW MS 2+ MESSING UP OR AFFECTING MY 1.3 THUMB FILES?? Are the MS 1.3 Drive K files trying to be opened up in MS 2+? I need these original 1.3 files to be kept saved on the thumbdrive. Whether or not there are error codes l(which I never saw before except in MS2+) This is scary.

Yes, my 1.3 files on the memory stick are being opened in MS2.0.3 . I wanted the stick files to REMAIN as I saved them, in the External Drive K (memory stick) I did NOT want them tampered with by a newer version of MS.They were supposed to be my fail-safe for the files. I have kept the 1.3 MS installation separate on my PC, and it does still open in 1.3 normally.

In reply to by delhud2

MuseScore does not save anything if you don't ask it to you. If you are sure you never asked 2.0 to save to that stick, then it absolutely positively most certainly did not. As mentioned, any corruptions being reported would have to have been caused by bugs in 1.3 and have been present all along, but 1.3 was too limited to detect the corruptions it caused. 2.0 is just doing you a favor and pointing them out so you can fix them.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

By fingering elements, you mean were typed in ? I always set up my files with MScore's automatic insrument names system--I thought these were probably the undeletable or movable ones, after the line breaks were removed.. Yes, I did try to fix missing HORN etc. by finding "stray" ones and moving them to the place on the staff where they should be.

In reply to by delhud2

It seems 1.3 perhaps had a bug where some of the manually moved staff names got turned into free-floating plain text elements, which 2.0 had no choice but to interpret as fingering. But you can see the score does *not* have short names defined,. so at some pioint you apparently turned them off - probably after thagt bug in 1.3 struck you and you were seieng two instrument names per staff is my best guess.

In reply to by delhud2

You should delete those bogus fingering elements entirely - they don't belong there at all. Right click one, Select / All Similar Elements, and press delete. That will get rid of all the Fingering elementsthat were masquerading as instrument names (hopefully you weren't using any "real" fingering elements elsewhere). Then you can type in the short instrument name that you apparently deleted some time ago and they will appear in the proper place.

I don't really understand the question. If you want a new copy of this score, just make it normally - using Windows Explorer or whatever you normally use to copy files, move them around, etc. Or, you could open the score in MuseScore and do "save as" to save it under a different name / different folder. Same as you would with any other program. And then always open that file normally, from File / Open or from Windows Explorer. There is nothing MuseScore-specific about any of that.

I guess maybe you are specifically wanting the "recents" list to also update to show you the new version? That will happen the first time you *open* the new score. Merely creating the new version doesn't do it. So, open it normally once, then it will show in your "recents" list.

BTW, I don't see any page or line breaks in this version of the score - it seems you have already removed them?

Also, FWIW, I do understand the concern about major new versions, and my advice - with MuseScore or *any* program - is that if you have a very large document created in one version with tons of customizations etc and you absolutely depend on every detail bveing exactly the same, that you should keep the older version of the program around just for use with those older documents. Not that one should normally very often need to revisit older documents. But should the need arise, keeping an old version of the software around as well is never a bad idea.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

All i wanted to do, unless I can get the MS2 version of the file corrected about the instrument names, is somehow get the MS 1.3 file with the .line breaks removed to be opened by MS2.0.3.Since I am not a tech person and do not know computer science, I still don't really understand how, when MS2 came out, it "knew" of my 1.3 files. And when I opened the first file in MS2, the line breaks in 1.3 messed up the page layouts.
Yes, I do understand about keeping the older versions around. In fact, I know an opera producer locally who still uses an older version of Sibelius to make arrangements on! And Sibelius is out of business, I guess. ( Unfortunately, though he likes my opera, he needs $65,000 to do it. My teachers warned me about being a "Classical" composer.)

An observation: I wanted to send the first file on to You Tube, but MS said it had to be MS2+ to do that, so I did send the 2 version on my PCto You Tube (Private) and it worked fine, so at times it seems mandatory to get updated. It's really good though that MS now has the You Tube option!

In reply to by delhud2

Edit → Tools → Add-/remove line breaks → Remove line breaks

The rroblem with your instument names is that they ain't real instrument names, but fingerings or some such styled as instrument names and manually draged into position. These kind of things indeed break pretty badly, esp. between major version changes.

And no, Sibelius is not out of Business, AFAIK

In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

OK, I stand corrected about Sibelius. Yes, I created Staff texts and dragged them since some pages the brass were missing them. I think the real names were the 'stray" ones found in the middle of the page, etc. since they will NOT delete and won't drag. It's a real pain, and holding up things for me. So what if I do delete the phony ins. names? Then the brass won't have any ins. names on some pages. I would just like to try getting the 1.3 file with line breaks removed into and be opened by MS2+ and see what happens. My 1.3 installation on my PC is quite separate thank God from MS 2 installation. As Marc suggests, I could just use the 1.3 version for working with the files and submitting them to places, etc. But the white background and other good features of MS 2+ are so much nicer if I could get them to come out right!

So, HOW DO I Get a 1.3 file to lift itself out of itself and into MS2+?? I don't understand how making copies would work? Since they are either MS1.3 copies of MS 2 copies within each installation.??

In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

I opened my 1.3 version of Act I Intro etc.with 2.0 some time ago. So it is NOW a 2.0 version of that file. Trouble was, 2.+ messed up the file,especially on layout since the original 1.3 had Line Breaks on it. I want to remove the line breaks in the 1.3 file, and then open that wIth 2.0 and see if the file comes out OK on layout etc. in 2+ . OK? Trouble is, my MS 2.0.3 will ONLY open the erroneous Act ! Intro etc. file that was ALREADY UPLOADED FROM 1.3. IT WILL NOT GO BACK AND OPEN THE ORIGINAL UNMESSED-WTIH 1.3 FILE.
My original 1.3 files, kept separate will open up fine when I go to them, but 2_ does NOT find those. So would I have to RENAME the 1.3 file or what?? Does anyone out there understand what I'm saying? ( RENAMING was advised before on this thread. )

In reply to by delhud2

No, merely *opening* a 1.3 file in 2.0 does not magically turn it into a 2.0
version. Only *saving* it in 2.0 can change it.

2.0.3 will be happy to open the original 1.3 version if you ask it to. Just be sure to browse to the correct folder. That is, File : Open, then be sure to browse to the correct location.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

I did already browse to my Documents and Downloads folder, and find the 1.3 Act I Intro etc. file is already a 2.0 file. From 2.0 there is NO finding of the original 1.3 file, that I can find. I'll try again. As an alternative, I would have to just keep the erroneous 2.0 file and go through and correct all the fake instrument names and displaced stuff . I will try again on all this . I don't get it!

In reply to by delhud2

I did get it figured out, how get the original 1.3 file opened again in 2.0. But what I found out was, when I removed the Line Breaks in 1.3, it messed up the 1.3 file! I WAS told when I created the 1.3 files that I should put in Line Breaks, but later was told not to and let MS handle the layout.) As you said somewhere, if manual adjustments are essential (even instrument names, etc.) for my 1.3 file to be correct, I should retain it as is. So I guess the only thing I can do is open it in MS 2 as before and I will just have to correct the 2 version all the way through.layout, get proper instrument names in, etc. (i can't even imagine what may happen when MS 3 comes out! This is getting counter-productive for a composer.So much time spent trying to keep up with newer versions of MS, even though of course the newer versions are better.) I DO have to at least get everything up to MS2+ to be able to send to You Tube and other operations where 1.3 won't work.

In reply to by delhud2

I don't know what you mean about removing line breaks "messing up? the 1.3 file. Removing line breaks removes line breaks, so of course the layout may shift as a result. This is the whole point of removing line breaks. If you don't want things to shift, don't remove line breaks. But aside from MsueScore doing exactly what you've asked it to do - change the layout - nothing will be "messed up". It's just doing what you are asking it to.

If you create your file correctly in 1.3, then there shouldn't be that much needed to make it look good in 2.0. It's only things that were done *incorrectly* that might take a long time to correct. But they should be corrected anyhow. And once corrected they will stay corrected. So if you intend to do further work with these scores, it's definitely worth your time to correct any errors made previously. But if you were done and satisfied with the peice in 1.3, as I have said before, I wouldn't bother. Just leave the file as is and keep opening it in 1.3 when you want to do something with it - like print, export, playback, etc.

In general, you really shouldn;'t need to have added line breaks - it is indeed best to let MuseScore worry about layout. But there are some unusual special case situations where you might need to take extra control of layout for some reason, and in those cases, inserting line breaks can indeed be useful to preserve the current arrangement of measures and systems if that is somehow important to the unusual special thing you are doing with layout. Without knowing more about what you were doing and why, I can't say if those line breaks were a good idea in your particular case.

In reply to by delhud2

As I said before: you should not have created those fake staff names, and what you need to do now is correct that: delete them all, then simply set the shrot name normally (in Staff Properties) so MuseScore can display them automatically wityh no automatic positioning required. Not sure why you didn't do this in the first place - this was the correct way to do things in 1.3 as well as in 2.0 - but anyhow, it's what you need to do now, regardless of which version you use.

I don't understand your question about versions: what do you mean "lift itaelf out of itself"? I think you are making this far more complicated than it is. Somnply have two copies of the score - the original that you will probably never touch again but just keep for safety in case you ever need to edit it using 1.3, and the copy that you will edit using 2.0. Files are just fies, there is no such thing as a file "within each installation".

Oh, and for the record, Sibelius didn't go out of business, but they did drastically downsize their staffing, basically letting go most of the programming staff. But they continue to put out updates and support the program in general

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

OK, I will take your directions/advice and do the operations, etc. Hopefully, I will get it right! I would really rather send out MS2+ files than 1.3 files if possible. Although, on, I guess it doesn't make much different. has the white background on the scores and the playback sound seems to be better than the 1.3 files in my PC when played back. The playback in 2_ is much better than 1.3.

In reply to by delhud2

You can use the soundfont 2.0 uses in 1.3, so get the same sound, and I think you can get white background there too, but there are many other reasons you'd better go to 2.0
And won't accept scores with corruptions, so you'd need 2.0 to detect those.

In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

Yes, OK, I have been wanting to get 2+ to open a version of my first opera file with line breaks deleted. The only one it seems to know about to open is the one it already has on it. So I need some time to try to do the operation Marc and you advised. My 1.3 files are separate from from my MS2 it seems. Since MS2 already opened file no. 1," Intro and Opening Scene," it seemed to me that was the only version of that file it wanted to open .. Now I have a corrected version of 1.3 but don't see how to open it in 2+. You've all kindly and patiently worked with me on this, so I hope to get time today to actually work with this and see what happens. I've been told all you have to do is open file 1 again and just rename it. Does that mean open in 1.3 or 2+? How will MS2+ know I have corrected the 1.3 file ?
P.S. Fortunately, I already uploaded ALL my 1.3 files to before that was outlawed by MS.So at least any interested public can view/hear the stuff that I thought was over and done with, until 2.0 came along. Don't get me wrong, I think MS 2.0.3 is marvellous, and DO want to get all the files into it.

In reply to by delhud2

That would require using the same soundfont supplied with MuseScore 2.x but in the .sf2 rather than the .sf3 form that is unique to MuseScore 2.x.

There are a bunch of steps involved. I'd be happy to provide a copy for you to download offline from the forum. The file is much too big to post here.

It would be from a non-MuseScore source, and it might be lacking any improvements that were made by the Musescore team, if any.

You can email me at j weis gram at hot mail dot com, which had been altered to foil spam bots.

Take all the spaces of of that email address and change dot to a period and change at to an at sign. And let me know if you do send an email to that address because I block all unknown address for that account.

And by the way I'm a real person and I don't do anything nefarious online.

In reply to by jim.weisgram

Hi Jim, Thank you for taking the trouble to reply about the soundfont thing. I have already spent so much time fixing the bugs involved in opening 1.3 files in 2+ and saving them to become 2+ files, that I realize from your answer that getting the 2 soundfont into 1.3 would be far too involved for me. It is quite a process, apparently! I am sure you are an ethical "real" person, etc. so it's not that I'm concerned about, I just do not want now to go through the involved process, etc. I do appreciate your offer of help, though. Thanks ! Del

In reply to by delhud2

Not sure where you got the idea that loading a soundfont is "quite a process" - takes just seconds. Follow the instructions in the Handbook for the version of MuseScore you are using. Basically, place it in the Soundfonts folder, then go to View / Synthesizer and select that soundfont from the list. Details vary between versions of MuseScore, so again, consult the Handbook. It's *slightly* less simple in 1.3 than in current versions, but still, well under a minute.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

I got the idea about "quite a process" from the Reply by one Jim Weisgram on this thread. I had asked how to get a 2 soundfont into the purely 1.3 files to use and sound better.I am gradually getting all my files into 2 files anyway..OK, I am glad to learn from you that I can look in the handbook and do it more simply.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Can't find "Staff Peoperties" Please see attachment, cannot get rhe Horn, Trpt instrument names in middle of the staff to delete.on page 12.Sc;ore is pretty much OK till pg 12, then is chaotic from there to end. I could just use my 1.3 files, as you said, but I want to get this OK in2, so I can upload a hide empty staves version to

In reply to by delhud2

Staff Properties is in the menu that appears when you right click anywhere within any staff - same as in 1.3.

To delete staff names - or pretty much any other type of text - just click to select and then press Delete. But FWIW, most of the things that look like staff names are not staff names at all; they are fingerings. Looks like you tried placing them manually rather than use the built-in staff name facility. As I belieove I said before, you should probably just right click one, Select All Similar Elements, and delete them all at once rather than trying to do so individually.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Some staff names were fingerings, I think. They will select and delete. but many names will not, even when right clicked, delete (or select all similar elements--that did not come up when I right-clicked.) Please see as examples: Pg 12, 2 Horns, and 1 C Trpt will not select or delete; pg. 14,C Trot will not select or delete,and there are more of these on other pages. On pg 15 and 17, there are missing instrument names. Trpt and Horn, and on other pages missing brass names. On these I right-clicked on the staves, as you said in your reply, and saw that the instrument names were in the blanks, or if not, typed them in, then clicked OK Apply. But nothing happens, still. no instrument names appear.Also, on pg 12-13 there is a lines cresc. mark that will not select or delete, and Tr (trill marks the same in 2 or 3 places in the Timp. ALl of these were fine in `1.3, but I cannot use 1.3 for, and in general, I should get this file to be OK in MS2+. What can be done? I did what you told me to do in your reply, but nothing is working. (On instrument names, I thought if you DID delete an instrument that you had set up at the beginning of the file, it would delete that instrument throughout the entire score.And apparently, you cannot go all the way back no New Score setup on instruments.)

In reply to by delhud2

The Horn markings were entered on one page and then dragged so far out of their correct position that they are now on another page entirely. That is why you can't select them. But that's OK. They are staff text, apparently. You can return them to their proper position by right clciking some *other* staff text, Select / All Similar Elements, then Ctrl+R to reset the positions to their correct locations (that is, right you entered them before you dragged them elsewhere). If you had done other more appropriate manually adjustments, you'll have to redo those. So you could instead work in shifts, not resetting *all* positions but instead selecting regions of the horn part where you think the errant markings might actually be attached and only resetting positions in those measures. For example, select measure 59 in the horn part and you'll see one of the spurious Horn texts on page 12 highlight as well. Hit Ctrl+R and it snaps back to measure 59 where you originally entered it. You can then delete it.

In reply to by delhud2

I don't know what you mean that 2.0 "knew" of your 1.3 files. MuseScore doens't "know" about any files whatsoever until you open them, but certainly any file you tell it to open, it will try to open. So if yuou asked 2. to open one of your 1.3 files, it happily obliged.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Are you saying that, for submitting to Opera Houses etc. i should just use my 1.3 files and forget about MS 2+ ? Those files do work , including Playback, and even though there are errors which only become apparent in MS2., and even though there are manual adjustments which I guess MS2 does not like. Since MS will constantly be evolving, It looks like I will always be facing more problems unless i can settle on one thing, and I WILL keep older versions of MS around for sure.
(reply to one of Marc's answers above)

P.S. When I save, save as, the no.1 opera file in 1.3 (or anywhere) to rename it, I am of course alerted "this file already exists. Do you wish to replace it?" Then the original file would be deleted and replaced. Is that wise? I guess that would be when you make an extra copy of the original file. And MS2+ would open the corrected file that replaced the original one?

In reply to by delhud2

I don't think any oepra house would want to see a MuseScore file of any kind - they'd want a PDF. It wouldn't matter what version was used to create it. If the score was originally created in 1,3 and is done or almsot done, I'd just created the PDF using 1.3 and be done with it. Also, chances are they'd rather you send them a CD or post an MP3 file than to use the online facility of

When opening a 1.3 file in 2.0, whether you choose to overwrite the original is entirely up to you. If you've already made a safe backup but you don't expect tyo need to access the 1.3 version regularly and you understand what you are doing well enough to be 100% confident you won't mess anything up, then sure, go ahead, it will save space and be fewer copies to maintain. Otherwise, maybe better to save the 2.0 version n a totally different folder, maybe a different name too. Totally up to you.

As for which version MuseScore will open, it will opent he version you tell it to. If you tell it to open the 1.3 version, it will open the 1.3 version. If you tell it to open the 2.0 version, it will opent he 2.0 version. This is just like any other program - whatever file you tell it to open, it opens that file. So if you have two separate versions of the file on your system, it is up to you to keep them straight and tell MuseScore which one you want it to open. Just like if you wrote two operas it would be up to you to tell it which one to open. Or if you wrote two lettersin Microsoft Word, it would be up to you tell it which one you want it to open.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

A lot for me to process and think about, especially the submissions part---i will work on this. i was rather shocked that you don't think an opera house would want a MS file, etc. hmmm.....
I just opened a file in MS2, and found there is a way to convert one's PDF sheet music to MS files, but I need to do just the opposite. Is there a quick way (a button)to do that, or is that strictly a Windows problem? I am familiar with converting PDF files to Word or something which is a commercial service, and a charge for it?!

In reply to by [DELETED] 5

OK, Thanks for the info on the operation. As for Marc's comments on probably an opera house would not want a MS file, my thinking was that by sending them a file, they could quickly view/hear samples of the Opera , and I have put much info under the "About this score" feature they could read, I did have one local producer who liked my opera by seeing the file . However, at this point I am glad I haven't sent any more files out yet world wide, until I get this PDF thing figured out
Thank You

In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

Oh, That's great! The sound on is better than on my 1.3 files in my PC. Now i've had another question raised in my mind: I have links on my website to 2 sample files (MS 1.3) from my opera, beginning of Act and of Act II. Both of them have had about 4350 views so far on Should websites use PDF also on these? I don't want to unless it would be strongly indicated for some reason.
Also, a HUGE point: All my 1.3 files uploaded almost perfectly to . I did those before 1.3 was outlawed from All teh files on are just as I wanted them even though they do have some errors here and there when M@2+ opens them!

In reply to by delhud2

Sending a MuseScore file to someone requires they have MuseScore installed. I can't think of any reason someone the music director of an opera company (or whomever might be listening to submissions) would have MuseScore installed. They wouldn't have FInale or Sibelius installed either. If you want them to see a score, send a PDF - that's the one format that everyonew in the world uses and has used for this purpose and pretty much all simialr purpose for at least 20 years. If you want them to hear audio, send an MP# - again, that's pretty much the universal way people do these things. The animated score on is nice too of course, but fwiw, I suspect the average person would be more comfortable with YouTube, so you might consider taking advantage of the new feature that allows you to post your video there. Not saying they wouldn't be interested in going to at all, but I very much double that would be an acceptable substitute for sending the PDF.

Not sure what you need to "figure out" about PDF. From MuseScore, File / Export, choose / confirm a filename and folder, and you're done.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

OK, Thanks for further explanation! How would I send an MP-3 audio? The score and audio would be sent separately? Interesting too that, as you say, the animated score on is nice also.I think it's marvellous! I thought that was OK for the average person, but maybe not? However, I can't send MS 1.3 files to You Tube (MS told me) so I will have to get them to become MS2+ files for that. (Open them in 2+ and fix any errors etc.)

OK I understand the directions for creating the PDF file.

In reply to by delhud2

You can create an MP3 file the same as PDF - File / Export, select MP3 is selected as the file type (the default is PDF), choose / confirm file name and folder. Once you've created the MP3 file, it is up to you how to send it. You could email it, burn it to a CD and stick it in an envelope, or upload it to Dropbox or some such and send them a link. The live score on is definitely nice indeed as a way of *hearing* the score; I don't mean to totally discount it. But my guess is most people would be more comnfortable with something more familiar. And to *see* it, I think without question they'd want PDF if not actual hard copy.

If you open it in 2.0 it will play using 2.0 soundfont by default - it won't matter that it was created in 1.3. If you open it in 1.3 it will using 1.3 soundfont by default. But you can tell MuseScore (either version) to use a different soundfont. Just see the Soundfont section of the appropriate Handbook. The instructions are a little different for 1.3 versus 2.0, but they basically both begin by downloading there soundfont you want, and links are provided in the Handbook as well as complete instructions.

OK, Thanks for clarification. What I meant as "messing up" in the 1.3 file was, when I removed the line Breaks, instrument names and some elements like cresc. marks, etc. were displaced, some appearing totally out of place, instruments appearing at places in the middle of the page, not to the left, etc. This file No.. 1 was my very first orchestral score I ever did on MS (or any software). I must have done manual adjustments a lot, I only had my learner's permit. (Now at least I have more advanced learner's permit! ) Maybe it would be better to get all the files into 2.+ and correct those, and just let the 1.3 files be as they are? What I am concerned about is when MS 3 comes out, how do I know MS won't decide that ONLY 3.0 files can go to You Tube, etc.? At least I would be "Current" up to 2+. Does music software ever get stabilized? Will MS always recognize former versions of itself? (I have never worked on anything but MS, no Sibelius or Finale.).

New problem: Why does frame text of spoken dialogue and scene descriptions disappear. when Iconvert a 1.3 file to 2+? The frame outlines show in 2, but no text inside? I ried copying the text in 1.3 to past it within the frame outlilnes on 2, but it will NOT paste. (It copied OK in 1.3) please see attachment. Pg 174 showing blank frame example.

OK,Thank you. Yes, I did some staff texts a lot. Until I got more used to MS, I did some weird stuff, its being my first orchestral file on MS. However, if I can just get the stray Horn tests deleted, I might use staff text again to fill in the Horn, Trpt text where they're missing just so I can get this file done in 2+. it sounds sort of complicated what you told me to do. I'm afraid the Reversing might take out some crucial manual adjustments elsewhere. Can't remember, at this point. maybe I could delete entire pages and insert measures and reenter them might be easier? It seems to me that you can't always delete entire pages in MS sometimes.(i have done it at the end of a file, when i had too many measures left over.)

In reply to by delhud2

You can delete any measures you like - just select them and press Ctrl+Delete. The remaining measures automatically flow across the pages, just as if you deleted text in a word processor. But douing that is infinitely more work than what I described. Chances are, many the "crucial" manual adjustments you amde elsehwer3e will also turn out on closer examination to not be very appropriate any more with the change in layout. So you'll probably need to revisit many adjustments anyhow.

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