FORUM GAME : Mutagenic Sentences

• Jun 14, 2016 - 08:11

Time for some fun on this forum! I will say a word, and the next person will make two changes (explained later) to make a new word(s).

A change can consist of:

- Replacement: Changing one letter to another e.g. Cake > Case

- Addition: Adding a letter to the word e.g. Case > Cases

- Deletion: Removing a letter from the word e.g. Cases > Ases

- Transformation: Moving a letter somewhere else in the word e.g. Ases > Seas

So as you can see, in four posts, we changed the word from "cake" to "seas".

You can do one or two changes per post. I will post some examples that are valid and examples that are illegal.


Scare > Spares

Harsh > Harshly

Bean > Be

Loophole > Looped hole

Banana > Ban an ad

An apple ate another apple > A pale Nate, another apple


Jokes > Speak

Banana > Banned

Poor > Rope

Ducks > [censored]

As you can see above, you are also not allowed to use any profanity, or what people would consider inappropriate.

You can split one word into two words, doing so will not count as a change. Also, you can use punctuation and capitalisation.

If you have any questions don't be afraid to ask. Now, let's play!


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