Bar line remains on hide empty staves

• Jun 14, 2016 - 15:41

1. Write a piano piece.
2. Add an extra staff above the piano part (flute).
3. Into that extra stave, write info into the one bar you wish to change (on repeat). WHen the piece is broken into 4-bar segments, the additional bar is the first in a line.
4. Invoke small staff for that line.
5. Invoke "hide empty measures".

Expected result: all empty bars and bar lines will disappear.
Actual result:
a) all bars except the 3 additional bars on the same line disappear. Workaround: right click on each bar and make invisible. (This works).
b) the 1st barline of the piece does not disappear and no handles appear to change it when it is double-clicked. (See attachment).

Attachment Size
1st bar line.png 25.27 KB


Possibly I'm not understanding you correctly, but if you write something into a bar doesn't this automatically mean that is not empty?

In reply to by xavierjazz

Which barline do you mean? The one at the beginning of the system? It would not be normal to not connect the measures of a system together in this way. What does this small staff represent? Can you post the actual scorte so we can better understand what you mean?

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

The small staff is only for the one bar posted in my 2nd post. That is the only place it is used and as it says, play this bar the 2nd time, on the repeat. As you can see there is a slight change in the rhythm and that's why it is there.

From your answer, I take it that the barline at the very beginning of the 1st bar CANNOT be shortened to encompass only the piano staves.

I don't mind to share the score if it will be valuable, but I don't think it will make any difference. See attachment.

As to your comment that it connects the measures of a system in this way, that's fine, but none of the other bar lines do not remain when the empty measures are rendered invisible. Why would the 1st bar (which contains no information) be any different?

The way it is, it looks improper and changes the formatting of the 1st page.


Attachment Size
Cookin'_8 02b piano.mscz 39.22 KB

In reply to by xavierjazz

Oh I see now. I didn't get from the pcitures that this staff is only used on one system. So the problem is, you need to tell MuseScore not to show that staff on the first system, since the default for "Hide empty staves" is to always show all staves for the first system. So, go to Style / General and turn off the "Don't hide empty staves in first system" option (right below the "Hide empty staves" option). BTW, with that option turned off, you wouldn't have needed to mark the first four measures invisible.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

I didn't have to mark the first 4 bars, when I set the Hide empty option they were hidden, except for the 1st Bar line.

The 3 bars that I had to hide were the 3 appearing directly after the single bar staying visible.

I will try what you suggest, but it seems confused. I'll get back.

In reply to by xavierjazz

When I open your score, the first four bars are definitely marked invisible - I can see this by right clicking any one of them and going to Measure Properties. If they hadn't been marked invisible", they would be showing up in the score, because the "Don't hide empty staves in first system" option *is* enabled (this is the default).

Anyhow, the reaosn you have the barline extended is that the first staff *is* being displayed in the first system because of "Don't hide empty staves in first system". If you don't want a barline, you need to tell MuseScore not to try to display the staff at all, and that is what that option is for.

BTW, 3.0 will have new "hide when empty" and "cutaway" options for staves that will allow you to get this effect without the need to hide empty staves score-wide or to make individual measures invisible.

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