Midi controller input

• Jun 15, 2016 - 22:21

Hi. Why in Musescore 2.0.2. when you enter notes using midi guitar (in my
case YRGgen2) notes appear in the wrong position on the tablature?
For example, I play the note E on the 12th fret of the sixth string, but
Musescore displays it on a 5 string. Thus it is impossible to introduce the
guitar solo.
In the GuitarPro6 this lack is missing, but I want to use Musescore.
In the end I had to enter the notes using GTP6 and then convert to Musescore.
here is an example of my desired positions on the fretboard


Standard MIDI in input does not provide MuseScore with this information - just the pitch. I suppose some specialized hardware / software combinations might exist that have their own proprietary way of representing this (different channels for different strings, perhaps) but we have no way of knowing about or dealing with any such proprietary solutions. So MuseScore has the guess at the most appropriate string for any given pitch. Meanwhile, see the Handbook to learn how to enter Tablature information directly into MuseScore with no guesswork required. Also, for information on how to correct any wrong guesses.

In reply to by [DELETED] 5

How to confirm this?
Musescore in my case correctly displays only 0-4 frets on the string.
When I play A3 on 5 fret of 6 string Musescore displays it like A3 on 0 fret of 5 string. Etc.
For guitar position is very important.
Only what is needed a tablature.
Why Musescore displays the right strings and the right tabs in GTP files?

In reply to by khomkovm

Because in a GTP file there is a fret number and a string number. While when we receive a midi message it's just one number, corresponding to a pitch and we map it to a note, and then to a fret and string number. We need one more information. It seems some guitars are passing this information by using one MIDI channel per string (while a piano for example, use a single channel). Currently MuseScore doesn't use the channel information, it treats all channel equally and doesn't do anything special for guitar (After all, GP is for guitar primarly, MuseScore is not). So that's why you don't see the "right" fret and string.

It would be useful if you could confirm that your guitar does use 6 midi channels, probably by using a MIDI sequencer.

In any case, it would mean that we would have to do something special when the user input notes on a (guitar tablature) staff, and in this case handle the channel information. I wonder how GP deals with non standard tuning or capo. Any idea?

In reply to by khomkovm

Yes, position is important. That is why, when inputting notes into MsueScore, you are better off uysing something other than MIDI. Again, please see the Handbook on how to input notes onto tablature staves directly, giving you complete control over which string and fret are used. Or, if you must use MIDI, see that same Handbook to learn how to move a note from one string to another.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

This is done in Finale this way:
1) In Roland GK-like midi converters, you must send each string in a different MIDI channel.
2) In Finale, you set each string to a different MIDI Channel. Finale have a sort of "listen to channel", utility where it figures out the channel received for each strings (but you must have the appropriate hardware equipment that send different strings in different channels, like the Roland GK hexaphonic pickups and the like) Godin Multiac MIDI guitars works the same way, for example.
3) After this setup, it´s easy to implement a map where pitches are mapped in the right position. Even different tunings can be accomodated easily after this.

hope it helps.
It would be marvellous to have such function in Musescore 3. Very useful for guitarists, that represents a lot of people in terms of users.


In reply to by herrlein

A intermediate solution, for people that dont have the hardware would be a short cut to change the string of an specific note, like a pitch "translocation". For example, and E4 can be 10 (1st string open), 25 (2nd str fret 5), 39, 414, 519 and 624 (in a 24 fret guitar).
For example, a command like SHIFT + ARROW UP/DOWN over a fretted note could change the string option for each note.


Here is a MIDI Chart I did some years ago,
It can help to figure out the problem involved in this Tab-String-Filter by channell.

For example, MIDI note #76 appears in all strings (in a 24-fret guitar, for example).
There is a color code:
1) BLUE NOTES: Appear just in one location in the TAB.
2) BLACK NOTES: Appear in two locations in the TAB.
3) GREEN NOTES: Appear in 3 locations in the TAB.
4) 2) BLACK NOTES (BIG FONT): Appear in 4 locations in the TAB.
5) 2) PINK NOTES: Appear in 5 locations in the TAB.
6) RED NOTE: Appear in 6 locations (in the case of 24-fret guitars) or 5 times (in the case of 20, 21 or 22-fret guitars).

Hope it helps to find a solution.

Best !
Julio Herrlein

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If you ever develop this, it could be useful to select manually the channel for each string from musescore GUI. I know that ideally that should be done in the midi guitar settings but unfortunately some old ones have fixed channels-string correspondences (eg 1,2,3,4,5,6 from low E to high E in the first YRG1000, which unfortunately seems not updatable anymore). Thanks

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