4/4 Triplets changed to 27/24??

• Jun 16, 2016 - 17:59

I've been arranging a trombone quartet for Can't Help Falling In Love, and have been writing the piece in 4/4 instead of something like 12/8, and putting triplets in only one or two parts.
The issue is, whenever I open the piece, it shows me that the file is corrupted with an error, the error saying "File corrupted. Measure [whatever the measure is], Staff 2 Incomplete. Expected: 4/4, Found:27/24." (Like 24 isn't even an actual time signature). W/e measure it was (it always changes, I'll explain later), I find this really weird thing that had been triplets but no longer is. So I go to fix it by deleting the entire measure and rewriting it, saving it, and then closing it. But whenever I reopen the piece to work on it, I always get the same dang error, but it's always another measure, usually the one right after the one I had previous fixed. The triplets measure will be FINE, until I save my fixings, close, and reopen the file.
It hasn't gotten to the point where it's pissing me off, I just laugh my ass off whenever it happens because I don't understand why it's happening and it's such a stupid error.

*Update: I fixed the error and was able to overcome it. I still don't understand how that happened though.


Corruptions indicate a bug in the program, which is to say, nothing you do *should* cause them. but they do nonetheless happen. If you manage to figure out what you did to trigger this bug, be sure to follow up and post steps to reproduce the problkem so we can investigate and fix it.

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