Open existing file and tempo won't change with tempo setting

• Jun 22, 2016 - 09:11

I got a file from a friend and opened it to find that the tempo marked as 80bpm was too slow. I went to the tempo palette and changed it to 124bpm and nothing changed. I even changed it to follow text and still nothing. In fact, I think it slowed down. I tried changing it in the inspector and nothing either.

Is it possible that it was created using an older version of MuseScore? I even tried opening it and saving it using the latest version but still to no avail.

I did try creating a new blank score and copying the entire file (Ctrl+A, Ctrl+C) and then pasting it into the new score (Ctrl+V). The tempo changes worked but the copy/paste process omitted all repeats and volte. This is a real pain to have to do for each score I want to edit.

Here is the file.

Attachment Size
ZOOT_SUIT_RIOT.mscz 42.53 KB


I can't see any tempo text in that score? It was creatred (or at least last saved) with 2.0.3, on a Mac, but apparently got imported from mxl (compressed MusicXML)

Inde3ed, this score has no tempo text, so there is nothing to tell the performer (either human or computer) how fast to play it. If I add a tempo text, it works as expected for me.

So maybe this is the score where you copied everything? In order to understand the original problem, we'd need to see the original score.

In reply to by Bemo64

You're getting playback of 80, not 84.
The reason seems to be that the tempo text has been added onto the multimeasure rest and thus somehow doesn't take effect as expected.

1. Pressing 'M' to disable multimeasure rests.
2. Double click the tempo marking to edit it, add a space and remove it again, so it is 'changed' into the same text.
3. Press 'M' again to re-enable multimeasure rests.

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