Length of pauses

• Jun 26, 2016 - 11:02

Hello, could someone please tell me how to adjust the length of pauses, denoted by the symbol "? I find the default time is about three seconds which is too long. It would be helpful when singing to set this time. Also I find that the default breath marks don't pause at all. Again any help would be much appreciated.
Kind regards


In reply to by Jenwilson

No, the inspector is the regular way to change various elements' properties. See https://musescore.org/en/handbook/inspector-and-object-properties.
Nightly builds are the previews of what will bevcome the next version, see https://musescore.org/en/download#Nightly-versions

A possible workaround to set these values in 2.0 is to save as mscx, open it with a plain text editor, search for the pause property of the caesura and change it. Nothing for the faint-hearted ;-)

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