separating staff lines

• Jul 3, 2016 - 01:17

I have 5 staff lines/voice parts. I can't figure out how to:
1) separate them so they show up individually in the mixer
2) label them at the beginning of the piece

Any help appreciated!!


Can you post a copy of the score with which you're having problems? I'm afraid your question is a bit difficult to understand, since if you created five separate vocal staves when initiating the new score, they should show up individually in the mixer and also each staff should have its own long and short 'instrument name' created by default, appearing at the beginning of the piece (long name) and at the start of each system (short name).

In reply to by wshenkevans

That does lead to five staves all being part of the same instrument, with one Mixer channel and one instrument name between them. So what you'll want to do is press [i] to open the Instruments window, add four legitimately separate instruments, copy and paste as necessary, then return to the Instruments window to cut the first instrument back to one staff.

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