Import PDF Errors

• Jul 13, 2016 - 01:12

A number of my attempts to IMPORT PDFs go wrong. They process, download, etc. but when I try to play them, I get errors. I have noticed that those photocopied will always fail, but I'm getting fails with TYPESET ones, too. These are files from the IMSLP site.
Messages I get are "File corrupted C:/Users?....*.mscz"/ Then, in "Details" I see:
"Measure 28 Staff 2 Incomplete, Expected: 35/32; Found: 0/1
Measure 28 Staff 3 Incomplete, Expected: 35/32; Found: 0/1"


Unfortunately optical music recognition is still a very experimental and error-prone technology. The program we rely on to do the conversion for us - Audiveris - does the best it can, but often makes mistakes you need to fix by hand. For information on fixing corruptions, do a search for "MuseScore corrupt score".

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