sheet jumping left and right

• Jul 30, 2011 - 22:14

Hey, I am currently working on Goldber Variations, and I was asked to use muse score. Program is quite logical, but I have one very annoying problem - whenever and wherever I put not in sheet jumps left and later when I enter another note it jumps back right. How can I solve this problem, because it makes the use of the problem very very hard ...


could you perhaps post a sample file and give specific instructions to reproduce? I'm guessing that the note you are entering is causing the measures to need to be laid out differently - pushing a measure to the next line, for example - and the score is jumping to follow.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Sorry, I don't understad what should I do. :(
Sheet is jumping left and right even if I only change te layer of a not (for example: if I use narrow up for changing existing note from c sharp to g it would jump). Or if I enter the note into blank bar - also. I don't know what to do ...

In reply to by Anze_

I'd say it looks like what I described above - it just so happens in this particular case that each change you make to that particular measure alters the layout just enough that MuseScore needs to change the number of measures that fit on a line. I don't really understand why it would move the measure *before* the one you re working on, but layout is kind of mysterious. Generally, what you are seeing here wouldn't happen often; it's just that it seems you happen to be right on the edge. You could work around that by putting some temporary line breaks (click a bar line and hit Enter), say, at three bars per line, in the section you are working on. Someday, I'm hoping MuseScore will implement something like Finale's "Scroll View", which should would pretty much solve that type of problem permanently.

BTW, have you read the section on Note Entry in the handbook? If you haven't tried entering notes via the computer keyboard, you might be shocked at how much faster it is.

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