Why is French Horn not playing a perfect fifth lower note as written in score?

• Jul 20, 2016 - 14:09

I am writing a symphony where I am using a French Horn. But, instead of playing a perfect fifth lower than the note written in the score, it is playing the same thing. I went to "Staff Properties" but it was adjusted such that there will a be a perfect fifth down transposition. But still it is not playing a perfect fifth lower. What is the problem?


Are you working in Concert Pitch score view? If you are, the program is automatically transposing the F horn notation back to concert pitch.

Check the "Concert Pitch" icon in the main tool bar at the top of the screen. If the field is white, you're working in concert pitch. If the field is the same colour as the background of the whole page, you're working in instrument pitch.

Or, more simply, check the key signature of the horn staff in the score. If it's the same as all the non-transposing instruments, you are working in concert pitch.

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