Five Voltas?

• Jul 26, 2016 - 23:38

I have the following song structure, and can't figure out how to notate it (or get it to play back) correctly:

0. Intro
1. Verse #1
2. Verse #2 + extension 1 (an instrumental lead)
3. Verse #3 + extension 2 (bridge #1)
4. Verse #4 + extension 3 (bridge #2)
5. Verse #5 + extension 4 (an outro)

The repeat starts between the Intro and the verse, and concludes with a turn-around measure at the end of the verse.

I've tried encompassing each of the extensions in a volta (making five voltas, one for each of the four extension and a fifth for the outro) and assigning a Repeat Count of 5 to the measure containing the end repeat barline, but that doesn't seem to work. What playback does is to loop the verse five times (the last four without the turnaround measure), then continue to extensions 1, 2, 3, 4, and the outro.

Help appreciated!


Add all voltas as volta 1 and have them all end in a normal repeat. No need to change the repeat count anywhere.
In the attached example I only changed the 'Text' part of each Volta Property. They all have a repeat list of 1 as they are only taken the first time the score passes that volta.

Attachment Size
119491_five_voltas.mscz 4.73 KB

In reply to by jeetee

Hey, jeetee, that works great -- and so simple. Thanks!

Just curious, though: is it correct notation to have multiple end repeats like that?

Also, am I correct in thinking there is no way to avoid having the volta mark span all of the included measures? It sort of gets in the way of my chord symbols. Nothing I can't live with, but I'm just asking.

Again, many thanks.

In reply to by manonash

is it correct notation to have multiple end repeats like that?
As far as my limited knowledge goes, yes, it is valid notation.

Also, am I correct in thinking there is no way to avoid having the volta mark span all of the included measures? It sort of gets in the way of my chord symbols.
This one is a bit more tricky and the answer is both yes and no :)
Yes, you have to make the volta span all the included measures using Shift+right to extend it.
But also No, it doesn't have to look like that. You can then double click the volta to put it in edit mode and drag the right handle all the way back using your mouse. You'll see a dotted line indicating it is still anchored to the correct endpoint, while it visually became a lot shorter.
I think it's also a bit more logical to use the open ended volta type then (but make sure to set the repeat list property to '1' for them!)

See new attachment.

Attachment Size
119491_five_voltas.mscz 5.47 KB

In reply to by manonash

I have found another workaround using twice as many voltas.

    I've made each (currently existing) volta span only the first measure of its range.
  1. Then I've copied it onto the 2nd measure of that range and extended it for the full span required.
  2. Shortened the visible line of the 1st voltas of each span (just like in the previous example)
  3. Made the 2nd volta of each span invisible

Important is that the 2nd volta (the invisible) of each span has an identical repeat list to the 1st volta (the visible) of that span. This method should work OK with multipage voltas as well, as the multimeasure/page voltas are invisible :)

Attachment Size
119491_five_voltas.mscz 5.53 KB

In reply to by jeetee

Clever, but definitely pushing into jury rig territory. :)

Now we'll need an annotation feature that can attach explanatory notes to any arbitrary widget in the score. ("I put this here because ...")

But hey, one never knows when one will desperately need an emergency fix, and I like the creative way you're approaching this! :)

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