Saving the height of the default vertical frame

• Jul 28, 2016 - 09:49

Is there a way to get that height attribute of the default vertical frame of a score where the title is to be saved into a style? Thanks.


The actual height, not that I know of. The margin below, yes, that's in Style / General / Page. To some extemt, customizations to the title frame may also work in templates.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

That's too bad, I was hoping for an easy, uniform change of the bottom-right composer text location in the .mss file. Thanks for the verification. Actually your suggestion for using templates wasn't something I had looked into. It turns out that templates do save the height perimeter, and it seems to be a decent alternative for what I'm trying to accomplish. I hadn't customized any templates until now :)
Although I still think it'd be nice to have the height be part of the .mss file.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

I want to heighten the vertical frame box while retaining the default composer's name position of resting on the dotted line at the bottom right and then have this saved as a standard in an .mss style. If one were to offset the default composer's name, it would no longer rest on the line. True, the final output will have no dotted frame anyway, but it's temporarily more pleasant to have it be there as is Musescore's standard.

A change in the bottom margin "pushes" the score down as with a height change, but it does not extend the line of the vertical frame and thus automatically relocate the composer's text to retain its resting on the line.

I've alternatively used a template for this as you suggested, but I'd rather it be done in a style so that it is more accessible and interchangeable.

(p.s. the above dotted post was a double post. It'd be nice to be able to delete your own posts within a given time frame just in case of these accidents ;)

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