Change Default Text Font (Muse Score 1.1)?

• Aug 7, 2011 - 07:46

Hi there,

Just wondering if anyone know of a way to change the default text font from Times New Roman to e.g. Calibri or arial.

I tried setting up a score with calibri text (using text style). Then I saved this style. I close MuseScore and reopen and load a new file. I load the style I have created. Everything is still Times New Roman.

Any ideas. This isn't for the application font (in preferences).

I've had a look on the forums and as far as I can tell up to about 9.6 there is no solution. Just wondering if anything has changed with 1.1

I am running 1.1 on Windows 7, newish computer.

Thanks heaps,



For new score, you should be able to solve this with a template. Create a score, change all the text style to Arial. Save it and put it in the "templates" folder in C:\Program Files\MuseScore. When you create a score, select "create from template".

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