Inserting "footnote" sized numbers in Lyrics

• Aug 2, 2016 - 07:27

I have been putting the 150 Psalms to popular hymn tunes using MuseScore. I'm almost done and my husband has now asked if there's a way to put the Bible verse numbers in the lyrics. This would be different than the verse numbers at the beginning of each verse of the song. I imagine it to be about the size of a footnote number in a book. I have tried to create the footnote numbers in a document and then cut and paste into MuseScore but that didn't work. Perhaps there is a musical version of a small number found within the lyrics/notes that I could use for my own purposes?

I'm not terribly knowledgeable concerning music so I appreciate the help.

K. Reece


Welcome kmreece129, try entering as a lyric (Ctrl+L);
Then highlight the psalm number and use the text bar:


or enter as staff text (Ctrl+T);
by Inspector choose the Text style then drag or set the H/V offset

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