unlink editing from voice dependent score text compensation

• Aug 5, 2016 - 17:37


First of all I would like to deeply thank the MuseScore developers! What an an amazing and powerful software; and above all it is free – I just cannot believe it :) !! Thank you guys!

I am an absolute novice and I literally started using it a day ago. I have a somewhat naive question.

I noticed that at the core of the MuseScore editing process lies the concept of strictly observing the correspondence between the duration of the bar (e.g. four quarters) and the sum of the duration of the notes in a particular "voice'. Muse Score does not allow inserting notes randomly in the bar especially in the case when existing score is edited (e.g. if the score was produced by conversion from pdf and needs to be amended for the conversion mistakes). Apparently Internally MuseScore deals with representation of any score as being decomposed into voices, while in reality not every piece can be easily or at least meaningfully decomposed into voices.

Finally the question itself:

a)can the mode of strictly observing the matching of bar duration to voice in a bar duration be turned off – so that certain mistakes would not be corrected and would be allowed (e.g. first voice in a four quarters bar would have only one quarter and no additional pause symbols would be added) and random note insertion at ANY place in the bar even if the duration is compromised wouls be possible

b) can I perhaps in one command turn convert all voices into voice#1 – that perhaps would somewhat ease the editing

any thoughts and suggestions would be vastly appreciated



The vast majority of scores is decomposed into voices. You will quickly find out that you are able to achieve almost any common note arrangement in measures once you get the grip of it.
If the score is a result of PDF conversion, the pdf conversion job did a bad job.

a) No you can deactivate this. But it's perfectly possible to have a pickup measure (what you described). Right click the measure and change the actual duration to 1/4, or a quarter note.

b) Not easily no. To be able to move a note to a chord in voice 1, you need to have already a chord in voice 1 with the correct duration. MuseScore cannot merge two chords with different duration.

If you think you have a score that cannot be meaningfully be thought of in terms of voices, feel free to post it here. Aside from some highly experimental / graphical scores, I can't recall ever having seen one that isn't cleanly represented this way. Chances are you the score you are looking at can be as well, and we can show you how.

Thanks so much for the comments. I see your point – I guess it rather exposes by neophyte status – when putting down the score I find it hard to think ahead and keep in mind the correspondence of a note with its eventual position within a bar such that the durations are right, I guess it might coe with an experience. Yet I think having a "drafting" mode with more loose rules with respect to voices perhaps would be useful :) for simpletons like me

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