1 note trill?

• Aug 6, 2016 - 05:44

I can't get the trill to only be across 1 note. I should be able to change where it stops as well as where it starts. I have the notation for a 1 note trill on the dotted eighths. That is the tr symbol with no line.

I need the 1 note trill.

Here are my steps to a 1 note trill:

1) Drag trill symbol to dotted eighth(Or whatever note needs a trill)
2) Right click the trill and click Edit Element
3) Drag the last box to the left until there is no line in the trill symbol

So why am I not able to get a 1 note trill this way? I should be.

Here is the sheet music that this is for:


And here is my score with the trills:

Attachment Size
Symphony no. 1.mscz 13.86 KB


I think the one you'll need is under 'Articulations & Ornaments'. Click on the note and then click on the trill in the palette.

The trill under 'Lines' is also possible. Right-click the trill and select edit element - hold shift and use arrow keys to adjust.

To change the length of a trill or any other line (including hairpins, voltas, etc), don't just drag it unless you are trying to make a slight visual adjustment only. To actually change which note/measure the line ends on, use Shift+right arrow, as documented in the Handbook under Lines.

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