How to delete anything, and how to create a grand staff with right hand and left hand in the treble.

• Aug 17, 2016 - 18:28

I don't seem to understand the help on musescore. Is there a way to delete anything not using the undo?
Also how can I create a grand staff with treble clefs in right and left hand, and then when I want to go to a bass clef I do I do that? Thank you for your consideration.

Phillip Faulkner


To delete anything, select it and press delete. This includes sections.
To delete bars them selves, select it (them) and press Ctrl-delete. Mac is called something else, cmd?

To change clefs somewhere in your score, simply add the desired clef from the Clefs palette at left. Addfing elements from the palette is normally a matter of either drag and drop, or - usually easier - select the location in your score where you'd like to add the element then double click the palette element.

So if you currently have a grand staff with treble and bass, simply click the bass clef in the first measure, then sdouble click the treble clef in the palette. To switch to bass clef later in the score, select the measure or note where you'd liek the change to occur and double click the bass clef.

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