Lines menu

• Aug 18, 2016 - 22:50

Under the lines menu, there are supposed to be three voltas. My version of the program has "second volta" twice. No third one.


It's likely you are looking at the Basic workspace, which has reduced palettes. At the bottom of the Palettes section, there should be a dropdown allowing you to select the Advanced workspace. Once the selection is changed, the 3rd volta is now available in the lines palette.

However, you can also add another 2nd volta, right click it and open up the Volta Properties…. There you can change the Text (displayed) and the Repeat List properties. The first one is self explanatory. The latter should contain (a comma separated list) indicating at which playthrough of that specific measure/section playback should be triggered.

By default, one of the voltas is a 2 with a bracket closed at both ends and the other is open at the right end. The "Basic" set of palettes only has voltas 1 and 2 but the "Advanced" set includes a 3. In actuality you can take a 2-type volta and right-click on it and change it into a 3, a 4 or whatever.

Thank you for your help with this. I was able to find the third volta. I have another question about this. You mentioned "right clicking" to get to Volta Properties. I am using a MacIntosh computer on which you can't right click on the mouse. Is that what you meant? I tried right clicking in the volta themselves, but had no success.

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