crashing software

• Aug 19, 2016 - 03:17

Everytime i try and insert a second time signature into score the software crashes...please help me.


Can you attach the score you're having trouble with, and let us know which version of MuseScore and which OS you are running? Also, if possible please list the steps required to reproduce the problem (IOW, how are you inserting the time siguature, and under what conditions?).

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That should not happen, but I can't tell if there's something corrupted in your score itself from a screenshot. Can you post the mscz file? Also, are you on Windows or do you use some other operating system?

ETA: Your last post 'crossed' with mine, so please ignore the request for which OS you're running. I am on Windows, but if you can post the mscz score file, I will look at it to see if there is anything odd in the score itself.

I can confirm that there is something odd happening here. When I attempted to change the time sig from 6/8 to 3/4 (which should not have created any major re-barring) at any measure, the program did indeed crash. Specifically, I got a popup warning under the header "Microsoft Visual C++ Runtime Library" stating: 'This application has requested the Runtime to terminate it in an unusual way. Please contact the application's support team for more information.' Clicking on 'OK' on the popup caused MuseScore to shut down/crash.

C++ time sig crash.png

ETA: The program does NOT crash if I attempt to add a new time sig to any measure that does not contain notes on the top staff. It doesn't matter what new time signature I try. However, corruption is evident in that the whole measure rests in the top staff disappear or move to the next measure when the new time sig is added.

Marc, Jojo, Nicolas?? Can you offer any advice on this one? I'm out of my depth here.

In reply to by Recorder485

It crashes in latest code from master branch too, error message:
Fatal: TrackList::read: cannot start in middle of tuplet (...\MuseScore\libmscore\range.cpp:156 , void Ms::TrackList::read(const Ms::Segment*, const Ms::Segment*))
No stack trace, as this is an assertion failure.

Trying to delete viola measure 19 or 20 leads to another crash, deleting both does not, and results in the time sig change to not crash too.
There is a stray 8th rest above viola measure 20, which apparently belongs to measure 12 violoncello, between a tied (!) 8th and quarter note.

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