Removing a rest in one voice where there's a note in another voice

• Aug 21, 2011 - 12:15

I can only explain this by example: in the attached file I want to remove the four rests in Voice 1 so that voice 1 basically looks exactly like voice 2, i.e. there aren't any rests and all four notes are beamed. But it won't let me click and delete any of the rests, which worked when I tried it in voice 2.

I'm new with this so maybe there's an obvious answer I'm missing.

Attachment Size
Toc.mscz 1.67 KB


Now I feel like a silly little bloopysmoochy, since I just checked another thread immediately after posting this and it said that it's impossible to delete the rests though you can make them invisible. Even so (having made them invisible) can I beam all four notes?

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