
• Aug 22, 2016 - 21:03

Program will not allow copy and/or paste of individual notes and chords.


Ed Cuneo


Can you be more specific? Attach the score you are having problems with and precise steps to reproduce the probolem? In general, copy and paste *does* work just fine on individual notes or chords as well as ranges. It works differently for single notes than for ranges, but note a range can normally encompass a single note if you want it to, so you can usually have either behavior. What exzactly are you trying to do that you are having trouble with?

In reply to by banjo_one

That's very easy to do, just select the note, chord, or region you want to copy, Ctrl+C, click where you want to paste it, Ctrl+V. You can also quickly replicate regions (including regions of a single note) by selecting them and pressing "R".

Again, if you are having trouble figuring out how to do this, please attach your score (see "File attachments" link right below where you type your comment) and tell use more precisely what you are trying to do. Someone should be able to help you.

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