Start developing music software

• Aug 25, 2016 - 14:51

I don’t know whether you want to join the development, or whether you truly want to create something yourself, but either way, reaching out to the MuseScore developer community via the forums would be a good idea.


In reply to by [DELETED] 5

I'm studying computer science, and is the idea for my project in college, and I'm looking which components , or libraries , or services that would use an application like musescore , guitarPro,finale, because i dont know how to star, what i need to learn, the principal goal of my proyect is, recognize notes, store scores, and write some socores, All born from the idea of ​​seeing " StaffPad " and try to make something similar , because it is very expensive , at least in my country is very difficult to acquire some of that price.
I hope this explanation is understandable , thanks

My brother studied Electrical Engineering, and in one class they were required to do a physical project.   The de facto project that everyone did was “Digital Dice.”   But was such a thing good enough for my brother?   Oh, no-o-o-o...   He actually signed-up to do a device that would play some game and win.


If you are an (undergraduate ...) computer science student looking for a project, then I cordially suggest that you ask your instructor for practical ideas.

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