Import MIDI as drum kit

• Aug 27, 2016 - 12:56

I want to import the attached MIDI file using drums as instrument. Is this possible? I only find piano as possible instrument when I select Open -> File and select the MIDI file. Alternatively if I import it as piano can I then convert it to drums and if yes how?


Attachment Size
Tromme 1.mid 101 bytes


Generally, if you want a MIDI file to be interested as being for drums, it should use channel 10. Looks like your file uses channel 1. If you can't fix the original MIDI file, probably the best thing to do in MuseScore would be to add as new drumset instrument to your score (Edit / Instruments) then copy/paste the contents of this staff into the new one. You can also use View mixer to convert the existing staff to drumset, but I'm not sure that actually works as well. Either way, you'll have some cleanup to do in the notation.

In reply to by crm114

Thanks for the advise. It is the concept I am testing.. I want to export beats from my DAW into Musescore. The tip of copying the notes worked fine, thanks.

I guess something like this is what I am after but I am not able to edit the notes after I pasted them?

Attachment Size
Tromme_1_J.mscz 3.69 KB

Thanks. Using the arrow keys work fine. I was using the mouse and tried to click and drag the note up and down and this does not work..

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