System spacing

• Sep 6, 2016 - 23:39

How do I get even system spacing on all pages? When I adjust the "min System Distance", only the first page gets changed.

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Heidis test Waltz P3.mscz 30.59 KB


"Min" is short for "minimum" - you are telling MuseScore to put *at least* that much space, but it may add more to fill out the page, up to the *max* (guess what that is short for :-). If you want equal spacing everywhere, just set min = max, but be aware this means you'll have ragged bottoms, not the nice even margins you get by default. In this particular case, that's a non-issue because there are only two pages and clearly the second should have a larger space at the bottom. But for scores with more than 2 pages, you'd normally want all but the last to have the same bottom margin, and this might mean different spacing between systems from page to page if they have different numbers or sizes of systems for whatever reason.

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