
• Sep 10, 2016 - 22:26

Problematic.mscz Problematic.pdf
Two simple files attached as an example: An mscz and a PDF of the same 2 measure rendering. (Rests hidden.)
The first measure is deliberately messy, but gets by with "Voice 1" say the right hand on the keyboard, but it requires a mess of ties. The second measure is simpler, but seems to require 3 voices (fingers?) to produce the same result. Is there a "cleaner" single "voice" method, admitting that the second measure is also messy in it's own right!

Attachment Size
Problematic.mscz 4.44 KB


No need to fake noteheads at all. You can have a tie across other notes to allow for a nice chord buildup.

1. Enter the notes as the are (without ties) they can all be voice 1 this way
2. Select all build-up notes, without the last chord
3. Hit the tie button, either on the GUI or on your keyboard

Attachment Size
124216_Romantic_Chord_Buildup_Ties.mscz 4.65 KB

In reply to by xavierjazz

As for the correctness, I can't put forth any authority other than my memory having seen this before in some published score at some point in my past.

I've used this notation occasionally and so far, none of the performance have misunderstood its intention, for what that's worth.

Perhaps one of the more theory knowledgeable people around here can enlighten us both?

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