
• Sep 11, 2016 - 21:35

when putting the copy right stuff at the bottom is there a way to put that little c in a circle thing down there? Because I do not want to run into any issues with copyright stuff.


Most computers provide a way to enter the copyright symbol - a common one is to press some special function key (eg, Fn or Alt) while typing the universal numeric code for the copyright symbol (0169). Failing that, you can use the Special Characters palette within MuseScore - just press F2 or click the icon at far left of the text toolbar, while editing text. This palette is not available when enteirng information into the dialog boxes where you would normally enter copyright info, but you can use that method to enter the character into some ordinary piece of text, then copy and paste it into the desired dialog (eg, the create new score wizard, or score properties, or directly into the footer section of Style / General).

It depends on what keyboard layout you are using, and what your default input language is. This can be changed (in Windows) in the Control Panel>Region and Language>Keyboards and Languages tab.

In the Canadian Multilingual Standard keyboard layout, the © symbol can be entered by typing R-CTL+SHIFT+C. Alternately, if you don't have that keyboard layout installed or don't want to install it, you can copy this symbol:


and paste it in where needed.

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