MIDI not saved at desired tempo

• Sep 7, 2011 - 15:19

I am trying to export one of my MuseScore scores as a MIDI file. But after I do, the MIDI plays at a tempo that is slower than the desired one. I suspect that there's a little bug in the software, since after I set the tempo and export the file as MIDI, I'm supposed to get the exact same tempo as desired (i.e. Allegro). I've discussed this with some other members fairly recently. If you developers need any more information, I will reply as soon as I can. Thank you.


In reply to by Marcus2

When I play back your MIDI file on my system, it comes out exactly at 132 - I checked against a metronome. However, playing back in MuseScore is faster than 132. It appears you not only set the tempo to 132 using the tempo text, but you also set the overall MuseScore tempo to 116% in the play panel. Unless I'm misunderstanding something about how MuseScore works, you should be leaving the setting in the play panel at 100% if you are using tempo text to set tempo. That is, if you are using tempo text to set specific tempos for the piece - as you should if you want the results exported to MIDI - then you should not also be cranking up the overall scaling factor in the play panel. The play panel should continue to read 100% - 120 BPM. The 120 BPM figure you can ignore in that case; that is just telling you what tempo MuseScore will play notes at if you *don't* have tempo texts. At least, that's my understanding. And I'd agree it seems a weird way to label things, and could stand improvement.

But in any case, you MIDI file *is* playing back at the tempo you asked for. It's MuseScore that is playing too fast, and that's because you set the tempo two different ways.

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