How to Make Multiple Lines a Page?

• Sep 19, 2016 - 02:22

I found a great piece on here, however when I deleted every part except for one (in order to make different sheets for each instrument) I ran into the issue where only one line would show up on each page, which made the number of pages extremely long. Does anyone know how to fix this? I provided the section I first tried working on.

Disclaimer: This piece is not mine.


There are page breaks at the end of every line, that is why new pages keep starting - see the little icon above the final barline of each line of music? You can delete them all at once by right clicking one, Select / All Similar Elements, then hitting Delete.

However, none of this is necessary. You don't need to painstakingly delete all but one staff in order to get parts for each instrument; that would take forever. MuseScore does this for you automatically in seconds, just go to File / Parts and press "New All". You will get separate parts for all instruments in the score, all set up exactly as they should be.

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